constructive system

VIDEO POKER ROOM | Venice Casinò
The Christian Guerretta & Partners studio designs and follows the construction of innovative buildings by relying on a historic Italian manufacturer of wooden buildings, which uses the Plateform Frame construction system, which is a system that uses a framed structure with load-bearing lamellar and steel blades with anti-seismic box-like behavior that combines structural lightness with high resistance to EARTHQUAKE.
Christian Guerretta & Partners is a company involved in planning, production and implementation.
A period spent in traditional building led to the construction of housing and spaces for manufacturing and industrial use. This was followed by an in-depth course of study and analysis of the market, and then Christian Guerretta & Partners was founded.
The experience gained in traditional building caused us to reflect on the shortcomings of this approach to construction. Some of the most striking examples are the imperfect craftsmanship of workers, the disorganization of the construction site, and the unpredictability of completion times.
These factors, in addition to the need for anti-seismic solutions and increasingly stringent regulations regarding energy efficiency classification and construction site safety, made it clear that the entire system of building needed to be revised.
The determining factor that gave rise to these reflections was the construction of the new VideoPoker hall at the Venice Casino, built in 2008. A structure of 700 mq, 6 m high, constructed entirely with the dry technique (a construction method that doesn't use water) and a steel support structure. This pilot project, which required executive detailed analysis of all the construction components, complied with a time schedule for all phases of the work. In less than two months, a high-performance structure was erected, which was well-above the market average, while containing costs.
This experience proved that an integrated design (simultaneously combining architectural, structural, implementation and executive plans) along with dry construction techniques allows for complete control of manufacturing technology, leading to an "industrialized" home construction system (inspected and certified at each phase), while still allowing for a uniquely designed product.
Indeed, the goal of Christian Guerretta & Partners is to offer a lovely, comfortable home while maximizing the performance of each material used and creating a structure that is certified for both technical quality and performance.
Thanks to the ever-evolving Christian Guerretta & Partners technology, we can build a smart home very different from the standards that traditional building has accustomed to us. High sound and thermal insulation, air conditioning with temperature and relative humidity control, structural safety are some aspects that Hwood can guarantee.
Christian Guerretta & Partners is very attentive to energy saving and environmental protection.
Our houses are highly insulated and our air-conditioning systems are technologically advanced, powered by electricity produced with photovoltaic panels or geothermal systems.
This makes it possible to significantly decrease —almost to below zero — the cost of cooling and heating buildings, reducing the possible entry of CO2 into the atmosphere
Christian Guerretta & Partners buildings consume an average of 10Kwh / m2 annually.
The basic package used in our projects involves the installation of a heat pump, powered by the electricity generated by the photovoltaic panels, which heats or cools the water circulating in the radiant panels and the equipment of a machine for controlled mechanical ventilation (VMC), to ensure maximum comfort in every season avoiding energy losses.

Christian Guerretta & Partners has developed a safe and technological home system that is the result of specific design.
The Hwood house is characterized by:
- architectural quality;
- anti-seismic safety;
- dry construction technology;
- wellness and comfort.

Architectural style is characterized by the purity of the lines and elegance of the shapes, the result of the designer Christian Guerretta and his team.

Christian Guerretta & Partners utilizes an anti-seismic system.
The technology is similar to those used historically for large wooden buildings. In our modern version, it is formed by a frame with pillars and laminated wood beams connected by exclusively-designed steel plates.


The walls and floor components are constructed in factory. Thanks to the plans made during the design phase, the level of prefabrication is high. Preparation is already made for the installation of the electrical and hydraulic systems, as well as any additional elements included in the design.
The prefabrication allows us to create a product that is free of imperfections and extremely efficient, carefully inspected in every detail before being delivered.

We designed our buildings to improve the quality of the indoor environment, and to save energy, reducing the consumption level as much as possible.

Our facilities are totally eco-sustainable, as they use natural materials that are completely recyclable and are powered by renewable energy, without the use of fossil fuels. Moreover, the high thermal insulation, involves a minimal injection of CO2 into the atmosphere.


To us, aesthetics is a key aspect that cannot be ignored.
For this reason, we have developed the construction system with a seismic structure that allows for maximum freedom and architectural flexibility.
This system allows the designer to fully express his creativity without being limited by structural technicalities.
With our construction system, we can implement any kind of project, from the most classic to contemporary forms, without the constraints of shapes and heights.
As a result of the technical study headed by the architect Christian Guerretta, that offers architectural designs characterized by purity and elegance of lines and forms

Christian Guerretta & Partners is very attentive to energy saving and environmental protection.
Our houses are highly insulated and our air-conditioning systems are technologically advanced, powered by electricity produced with photovoltaic panels or geothermal systems.
This makes it possible to significantly decrease —almost to below zero — the cost of cooling and heating buildings, reducing the possible entry of CO2 into the atmosphere.
The basic package of peripheral walls is designed to create a high-performance exterior structure casing from the thermal point of view: K = 0.15 W/m2 and acoustic Rw = 66 dB with a total absence of thermal bridges (mathematical absence of mold).

The technology used by Christian Guerretta & Partners provides a high level of physical well-being, due to the most advanced sound pollution control .
Recent research has shown that the pollution of residential environments is more harmful to health than that of external environments. Improving the climate of the home means improving the quality of life. There is a lot of talk today about outdoor pollution, while forgetting that the quality of the air indoors is just as important and can be more polluted and harmful than one might think.
In addition to external pollutants, indoor air can be polluted by harmful agents whose danger is often underestimated. In particular, this refers to pollen, dust mites and mold found in rugs, in curtains and carpets, and to the noxious components of products commonly used for cleaning the house. The importance of maintaining high air quality is even more relevant if we consider that we spend most of our time indoors — in our homes, in the office or shop.
Every day, without realizing it, we breathe much more air within these environments than we do outdoors. In addition to the quality of the air, it is critical to evaluate the indoor micro-climate in terms of temperature and relative humidity.
Research, as well as various objective measurements designed to assess the internal comfort of a house have shown that, in most cases , the measured temperatures are too high relative to the average optimal for good health (winter 20/21 degrees - summer 22 / 24 degrees). The consequences of poor indoor air quality are reflected in the human body, through a series of symptoms such as burning eyes, respiratory tract irritation, skin rashes — all due to a combination of environmental factors.
We designed our buildings to improve the quality of the indoor environment, and to save energy, reducing the consumption level as much as possible.
Adopting and providing controlled mechanical ventilation systems with heat recovery assures the mechanical emission of air into the "living" spaces (living and bedrooms) and the extraction of air from the toilet and kitchen.
Fresh air is fed into the home through an input channel before passing through the heat exchanger, and is then distributed into the living room and bedrooms. The air extracted through the exhaust air vents from spaces with higher humidity (bathrooms and kitchen) is purified through the heat exchanger before its heat is transferred and re-emitted. This type of exchange allows for the recovery of up to 95% of the heat of the extracted air.